Your Very Own Funnel With Only Tin Foil
It can be annoying when you can’t find the thing that you need for a certain task. If you misplaced your funnel, it is still possible to go ahead and transfer any liquid into a new container without any spillage. You only have to rely on your aluminum foil, which you can fashion into a makeshift funnel. You only have to shape it into the size that you need and stick it into the bottle mouth. That is all there is to it.

Your Very Own Funnel With Only Tin Foil
Get Rid Of Wobbly Chairs And Tables
Is there anything peskier than unstable pieces of furniture? There is no need to stress out over this. We have a hack that will solve this problem! We love this because it is both easy and cheap at the same time. This trick will ensure that your furniture will be free from any and all wobble. The only thing you need to do is to dismantle the item in question and add glue in the gaps before you put it back together.

Get Rid Of Wobbly Chairs And Tables