Use Ice Cubes To Get Rid Of Carpet Dents
This is a great tip if you want to take dents out of your carpet. Grab an ice cube and just leave it on the damaged spot! Once the carpet absorbs the melted ice, the carpet should improve or even return to the original condition. When it has dried completely, you can use a hard-bristled brush and fluff out the other spots with it. You might also want to add a fabric softener to make it easier to brush out the bumps.

Use Ice Cubes To Get Rid Of Carpet Dents
A Hot Iron Will Help Fix Wood Dents
Can you believe that an iron is going to help smoothen out wood dents? The only thing you need to do is to wet the spot with some water. Use a damp cloth to cover it and then run the iron in circles on top of the dented area. This way, you do not have to replace your wooden pieces with new ones! This is not going to take much time and will prevent you from spending an arm and leg. It’s a win-win for all of us.

A Hot Iron Will Help Fix Wood Dents