Here Is What Prince William Really Felt When Prince Harry Chose To Step Down

Published on 03/05/2020

The Media

Chalmers then went on to imply that the press was partly to blame for their decision to move to Canada instead. This was how he said it: “When [Harry] looks at how the media, for example, reacts and how social media talks about someone, he has to answer to his son one day when he begins to understand this and be able to look him in the face and say, ‘I made the right decision, and I did right by you.’ And ultimately, he grew up in the limelight, and he knows how this can end if it’s not handled correctly.”

The Media

The Media


Harry And The Press

Truly, Harry has had a rather complicated relationship with the press over the years. He has not been afraid to hit them back either. Do you want an example? After he and Meghan first started going out in 2016, he made history by releasing a statement that was critical of the way the press treated his girlfriend. Harry said that Meghan had “been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment.”

Harry And The Press

Harry And The Press