Here Is What Prince William Really Felt When Prince Harry Chose To Step Down

Published on 03/05/2020

Battlefield Deaths

Other kings died on the battlefield. In 1485, Richard III died fighting to keep the throne. Richard I got struck down by an arrow during a siege. William I, meanwhile, suffered a fatal fall from his horse. There was also King Harold, who fell after getting an arrow in the eye during the Battle of Hastings.

Battlefield Deaths

Battlefield Deaths



The Queen will probably not die on the battlefield, but she might retire. People started to speculate about this more when Prince Philip retired. Queen Elizabeth apparently supported him on this. Sir Michael Atiyah once told him, “I’m sorry to hear you’re standing down,” Philip had a ready quip. He said, “Well, I can’t stand up much longer.” Philip readily replied, “Well, I can’t stand up much longer.”

