Authorities Arrive To Isolate Man’s Home After Discovery Of Unusual Rock

Published on 04/20/2020


So, in the end, it’s revealed that ambergris has been a highly desired substance for centuries. It is commonly known for its horrendous smell – “like a cross between squid and farmyard manure” – but its stench becomes sweeter over time. This object has been used in lavish perfumes for hundreds of years. Some historians have even gone as far as believing the material is edible.




Whale By-Product

So, fun fact, Ambergris is actually a whale by-product. It’s produced in the bile ducts of whales and then it gets discharged. While this sounds pretty horrific, it’s extremely rare so once one is found it’s worth a fortune. Steven and Viola were just very lucky that they were the ones who stumbled across it while walking on the beach. To this day, they can’t believe their luck. However, there was a catch to their discovery…

Whale By Product

Whale By Product