TLC’s Little People, Big World celebrity Zach Roloff and his wife, Tori Roloff recently welcomed a baby boy into the world. With the birth of a child comes responsibilities and difficulties…this couple had no idea what they were in for.
First Time Mom
Tori was extremely excited to be pregnant with her first child, but her butterflies were also mixed with nerves. She did not take the job of bringing a little baby into the world lightly. What happened next stunned the young mom, she was left dumbfounded.

First Time Mom
Experience With Kids
Tori was lucky enough to have a job that allowed her time off to be a new mother. Life as a Kindergarten teacher also prepared her to take care of her own son…working with little ones day in and day out definitely left her feeling ready. Although excited about having a baby of her own, she was sad to leave her class but later wrote on social media, “Can’t wait to take baby Roloff back to school to introduce him to the kids he’s listened to the last 9 months”.

Experience With Kids