Four Months Later
The couple’s only child with dwarfism, Zach, was a big hit on the show…fans adored him! His humble character won them over, making him loved across America. A young girl named Tori began working at the Roloff’s farm, quiet and shy…just like Zach! After 4 months of working at the farm, Zach asked Tori out…

Four Months Later
Four Years Later
Four years of dating later…and Zach proposed! Zach later admitted he never though he was ready to get married, but he was excited for all that was to come. Tori said, “We’re such a unique pairing, and we have a really cool story to share, but it was terrifying. But the show has helped me realize I shouldn’t worry about what other people think.” Zach said, “Tori brought me out of my shell and made me more social, she gave me confidence.”

Four Years Later