There are times when we act selfishly. Sometimes, we just cannot help but put ourselves first before everyone else. However, it seems like there are people who simply do not care about their fellow human beings at any given time of the day. They simply cannot be bothered to offer basic consideration.

Some People Just Don’t Care About Anyone But Themselves And These Photos Prove It
The following photos will probably make you cringe. In fact, they might even make you lose faith in humanity altogether. While it is understandable if you cannot be kind 100% of the time, these people have taken ‘rudeness’ to the next level.
Looking For The One
When you go shopping, you want to get the best bang for your buck. Sometimes, you might have to go down on your knees to look for The One. This woman did not want her knees to hurt nor did she want to bend over. Back issues are no joke for people that age, although she could have just asked for help…

Looking For The One
No, she instead chose to cushion her knees using two loaves of bread from the shelf. What if the one she had been looking for was one of these two? Uh-oh. One guy saw her in action and decided to show everyone what he had to see. Honestly, we do not think there is any reason to be that picky with bread.
A Surprise Pair Of Feet
There is absolutely no-one on earth who would welcome a stranger’s dirty feet getting thrust in their face. This is the stuff of nightmares! Sadly, this was the reality for the person who took this photo. When you are on the plane, it can be a struggle to get comfortable. However, we think this person went a little overboard and did not consider the comfort of the person sitting right in front of them.

A Surprise Pair Of Feet
We do not want to make any assumptions, but there is a slim chance that those unhygienic tootsies smell like heaven. Can you imagine just how annoying it must be to get stuck on this flight like this? Let’s hope the flight attendants did something about it.
Food Explosions On Purpose
What is it about going to the cinema that makes people drop all their manners? We feel bad for the staff tasked to clean up this mess – it looks like soda and popcorn exploded here! While accidents can and do happen, many people go to the theater and expect to have fun. There is no way you can convince us that this happened by accident. As a matter of fact, it looks like the patrons seated here had a food fight in the middle of the movie and did not even care to clean up a little.

Food Explosions On Purpose
Come on, you guys. There is no way you will head to a stranger’s house and do the same thing. Why would you think this is acceptable in a public place?!
No Free Trials Here
As the old saying goes: kids will be kids. We are sure that many little “angels” grabbed a toy and then played around with it while still at the store. The responsibility here falls squarely on the parents. It is your duty not only to look after your children but also clean up the mess they make. This is a rule that applies to times when you are outside of the home as well!

No Free Trials Here
What is so upsetting about this is that they destroyed a lot of toys and games on top of making a mess. We are sure the store lost some money when this happened.
That’s No Trash Can
We do not know about you, but we have to say that we know the difference between a trash can and the floor. Planes can get cramped, but there is no reason for you to make a mess. This woman decided to skip asking for a cup or a bag to put her pistachio nutshells. No, thank you, the floor will do just fine.

That’s No Trash Can
We would be so embarrassed if we were in her shoes. For some reason, she does not care at all! Some people have really thick skin, huh?
Death To The Environment
Have you noticed just how many people are going the eco-friendly route? It seems like the people who had been here did not keep up. Single-use plastics are terrible for the environment, so the least you could do is use biodegradable confetti when you want to celebrate.

Death To The Environment
Are plastic petals cheaper than the environment-friendly option? Sure. These people wanted to use those instead, which is somewhat understandable. What is not acceptable, however, is the fact that they left it on the grass without bothering to so much as to pick them up!
Do That In The Bathroom
There is truly something special about the bond between a mom and her baby. It is difficult to take care of a baby, but we still think there is a proper way to go about things. For one thing, you should never ever do this in an upscale restaurant. You know what, maybe don’t do it anywhere that serves food. We are sure there is a bathroom here, so kindly change your baby’s diaper there!

Do That In The Bathroom
We do not know what she was thinking. Maybe the conversation was just too good to miss out. Perhaps the restaurant looks just like her home, so she forgot she was in a public place.
No More Saturday Soccer
It was the weekend, so what better thing to do than take out the entire family to the local soccer field? They pay to maintain the place, so they were devastated to find it in such a state. Will it ever be nice and grassy ever again? Whoever thought it was a good idea to drive their truck here, we are on to you.

No More Saturday Soccer
We bet they had fun, but we should never forget to consider the feelings of other people. It is sad to think that the children will have to stop playing soccer in the meantime.
Keep Your Tongue To Yourself
This woman clearly thought she was being hilarious when she licked tubs of ice cream and then put the lid back on before putting them in the freezer again. We would be more sympathetic if this was a child, but this was a fully-grown adult! There is no excuse for anyone to do such a disgusting and gross act.

Keep Your Tongue To Yourself
She thought it was funny and fun, but this is incredibly unfair and unhygienic. We hope she gets caught!
Where Do You Think You’re Going?
Did she think she was being subtle when she was clearly planning to skip the queue? We do not know why anyone would think this is a good idea. If you have any decency, you would not do such a thing.

Where Do You Think You’re Going?
Well, this woman is not like anyone we know because she was trying to cut into the line without thinking about the people in the back. It is going to be even worse if there was a disabled, older, or pregnant passenger lining up behind her. Yikes.
For Her Legs Only
Meanwhile, we have this lady who does not have a problem aiming the fan at her legs when everyone else is feeling hot and sweaty. Honestly, there is something rather inappropriate about this. It’s the kind of thing you only do when you are alone in the comfort of your own home!

For Her Legs Only
We do not even have to mention the fact that she is fine with leaving the rest of the room boiling. This is as selfish as you can get on a hot summer day.
A Little To The Right
Are you in a fight with your neighbor? This is nothing unusual. When this happens, you basically have two choices. You either be the better person and let it go. That or you decide that it is payback time.

A Little To The Right
We really thought that this was an accident. After all, it is common courtesy to check the car after you parked it. Even if they did not mean to it, the driver still sucks because he did not give a crap about the person parking in 111B. You’re not the only person in the world, you know!
Goodbye Electric Scooters
It seems like someone was not a big fan of those electric scooters. We don’t know why anyone would do this, but they clearly forgot that it is illegal to destroy public property. You could go to jail for doing this!

Goodbye Electric Scooters
There is more to it than just that, however. Only the person behind this can tell us if they put it in the water to give them water damage. We all know that water and electric gadgets do not mix well together. Either way, they suck.
Some People Just Don’t Care
Honesty, can someone explain to us why people want to litter? This is especially confusing because we can see the trashcan is right there! Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that we need to act soon if we want to save the environment. Again, the trashcan is right there.

Some People Just Don’t Care
It might seem like a small thing, but this sort of practices will add up. Of course, it is going to damage the environment! Maybe they don’t know what trash cans are for? Folks, that’s where you throw the trash.
Planes Bring Out The Worst In Us
Every other person on the plane can offer the other passengers some consideration, so we do not know why they can’t. It seems like this was a long flight, which makes this kind of behavior that much worse.

Planes Bring Out The Worst In Us
His trash? Oh, he just decided to chuck all of them in the center of the aisle. You know, the place where people have to pass when they are going to and from the toilet. Let us not even talk about the fact that it is such an eyesore!
Blocking The Ambulance Parking
There are times when you have to go to the hospital and find no empty parking spot. However, the most horrible thing you can do in such a situation is to park right in front of the air ambulance spot. Yikes.

Blocking The Ambulance Parking
Sure, the driver of that car might have been in a hurry. However, we really do doubt that he was as desperate as the person who got sent in on the air ambulance. There is a good chance that they needed every single second for the sake of their survival.
Baseball Game Surprises
It does not matter who you are and what you are doing. You just never want to find a stranger’s bare feet right next to your face. This woman probably forgot this was a public space and used the seat right in front of her as a personal footrest. What makes it even worse is that there is a little girl beside it!

Baseball Game Surprises
Now, what was she going to do if someone had to sit in that seat? People, it is not that hard to keep your feet in your shoes and put them on the floor. Surely, you can do this for a couple of hours?
Two Seats For Us
We have all seen depictions of adults getting infuriated by the behavior displayed by some of the young people out there. It might be annoying to get told off, but older people usually do this for a reason! These kids clearly need to be scolded. Who takes up two spaces on a crowded public bus?!

Two Seats For Us
They might be young, but that does not exempt them from the rules of basic etiquette. Everyone hates being uncomfortable on the ride home, but it is even worse to stay standing for the rest of the ride.
Candy Wrappers On The Floor
You will expect to see this kind of behavior of young kids, not a fully-grown adult man. We are glad that he is enjoying eating his sweets, but there is no need to leave the wrappers on the floor.

Candy Wrappers On The Floor
We might be convinced that it was nothing more than an accident if we only saw one or two of those. However, he is clearly doing this on purpose because there are so many of them on the floor! The workers should put him on the blacklist.
You Shall Not Pass
When you drive, you will have to share the road with a number of other drivers. Moreover, you will be familiar with dealing with drivers who do not care about the consequences of their actions! These drivers were holding up the intersection, so drivers going the other way cannot pass through.

You Shall Not Pass
As you can see, the lights have turned green already. They do not mean anything in this situation, however, because there is no way one can pass the blockage of cars. It would be even worse if an ambulance was going that way! Don’t be so inconsiderate when you are on the road.
That’s salt, kid
Leave a child on their own for a little too long, and you can be sure they will get up to all kinds of weird things. We are sure your parents have a story about you like this one. This person found the mom on the phone the entire time – she clearly did not realize what her little boy was doing.

That’s salt, kid
The boy was enjoying the taste of salt. We won’t judge him for that. However, he made it to this list since he wrapped his mouth around the salt shaker for communal use. No one else is going to dare add some salt to their meal now even if the food is a little wanting. On top of that, we hope he was hydrated.
Report The Neighbor To The Police
Let us hope this was nothing more than an accident because otherwise, we would be fearing for the lives of the person living in this house. It is very dangerous to shoot an arrow at another person! Luckily, the window was there to catch it. However, they now need to shell some money to replace the glass.

Report The Neighbor To The Police
If the neighbors did not do this on purpose, they clearly need to improve the aim. Surely, they would have placed the target away from the other houses, right? Sadly, we highly doubt that this was the first time that something like this has happened in the neighborhood.
Three People In Twelve Seats
No matter how old you are and where you are, there is no reason for you to take up more than a single space. Come on, guys, it is not that complicated. Perhaps they have been waiting there for a long time already, but this is still no excuse for two people to take up seats meant for 12 people in total.

Three People In Twelve Seats
The cherry on top here? The person at the very end of the photo decided to use a seat to hold their luggage. Perhaps it is not just the airplanes that bring out the worst in people. It seems like airplanes will also make people act like terrible human beings!