A List Of Characters We Hate That Ruin Our Favorite TV Shows

Published on 04/20/2021

Gertrude – Frasier

Indeed, they did not make Gertrude Moon a likable person on purpose. While staying with Daphne and Niles, she was an overbearing guest who overstayed her welcome. She was able to get a job at a café, but everyone despised her. Millicent Martin, a British actress, did an excellent job portraying her, but the character was written as whiny and domineering. Her fans believed she was far too one-dimensional.

Gertrude – Frasier

Gertrude – Frasier


Dana Brody – Homeland

Netizens were not very kind to Dana Brody of Homeland either. The Daily Beast said that she was “TV’s most annoying character.” Morgan Saylor played her as a whiny adolescent who claimed she wanted to “provoke fans.” People thought she was annoying because she had the same expression all the time. Buzzfeed even made a list of her expressions, which were all the same!

Dana Brody – Homeland

Dana Brody – Homeland