Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About Saudi Arabia

Published on 10/17/2018

No Smoking

One of the Arabian region’s trademarks is the water pipes, which are also known as hookahs and shishas. However, Saudi Arabia does not allow every single kind of smoking. In 2012, the Saudi government adopted extra measures to prevent the citizens from smoking. Smoking was banned in a lot of public areas and in government institutions. It is estimated that the population blows roughly $8 million daily on cigs.

No Smoking

No Smoking


Shooting Squads

The Saudi government has executed criminals by way of beheading for many years, but it has moved its preference to executions through a shooting squad. Being humane is in no way the reason behind this shift. The main reason is that the government is unable to find skilled swordsmen who can perform the task.

Shooting Squads

Shooting Squads