Worry Beads
Many people in Saudi Arabia have Misbaha with them. They are prayer breads that are also known as “worry beads.” Originally, the purpose of the beads was for counting the prayers during calls of prayer. These beads are on a string, which look like a necklace, in a set with 33 to 99 beads.

Worry Beads
Where My Witches At?
We already mentioned that Harry Potter is banned. However, this goes much deeper than just banning reading materials about wizards and witches. In Saudi Arabia, an Anti-Witchcraft Action Unit exists under the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (CPVPV). Do you remember them? Yup, they are the religious police. This unit basically should apprehend any sorcerer and, reverse the harmful results of any spell that was cast. Interesting…

Where My Witches At?