Did You Know That These Celebrities Managed To Ruin Their Career In Just A Few Minutes?

Published on 08/06/2021

Gilbert Gottfried

Gilbert Gottfried, best known for his voice acting as the Aflac duck, landed in hot trouble after tweeting about the Tsunami that killed thousands of Japanese civilians. He wrote, “Japan is tremendously advanced.” They don’t go to the beach; instead, they come to the beach.” He was QUICKLY fired from his post as the duck, which is hilarious given that Aflac’s headquarters are in…JAPAN.

Gilbert Gottfried

Gilbert Gottfried


Paula Deen

Paula Deen certainly put her foot in her mouth with this one. According to reports, the home chef mogul’s restaurants have a culture of “violent, homophobic, and racist sentiments.” THEN it was revealed that throughout her life, Deen had “of course” used racist words against black people. Rather than apologizing, she avoided any guilt, expressing shock and disbelief that what she’d said could have caused anyone any harm.

Paula Deen

Paula Deen