Anti-Dandruff Treatment
Salt helps loosen and eliminate existing dandruff while promoting a healthy scalp’s blood flow. It also absorbs excess oil and moisture so that the growth of fungi is prevented and the scaling raíz is inhibited. Massage your scalp with damp fingertips for 10 to 15 minutes carefully and gently. Then wash and clean your hair with your choice of products. The effects are instantly evident, and you will be pleased with the result. Good Luck!

Anti-Dandruff Treatment
Remove Wine Stains
If you have poured wine into some cloth, put as much liquid as you can initially (without rubbing it). Sprinkle the stain with a coating of salt. The residual fluid is absorbed by the salt. Rince the tissue and the discoloration should be gone when it is dry. (This method works on tapestries too, wait till the mixture of salt and wine has dried and vacuumed). The outcome is intriguing, and we only suggest it be tried.

Remove Wine Stains