Remove Lipstick Marks From Your Glasses
Long-lasting lipstick is water-resistant, which might explain the stubbornness of lipstick stains! You will be able to remove it with salt if your postparty glasses are coated with red pigments. Before washing or placing your glasses in the dishwasher, give them a quick salt mash. The spots are going to peel off shortly. Just beautiful. We are really excited about this technique. You’re not going to regret this.

Remove Lipstick Marks From Your Glasses
Keep Your Ornaments Clean
Have you had a collection of filthy ornaments? They may be ancient, but they don’t have to be seen! Mix the same quantity of salt, flour, and white vinegar in a thick mixture and press it into your cube. Let her sit down for an hour before she is brushed. Clean cloth polish dry to show a luminous brass. It works, indeed! With this hack, you should trust us more.

Keep Your Ornaments Clean