Skin Peeling
During this time, our skin may get dry, both hot, cold, and moderate conditions. Do not let your skin get brittle! Use salt to exfoliate dead skin, and after a hot shower or a bath, increase blood circulation.
While the skin is still moist, do this by filling your skin with a handful of salt and massage the skin in circular motions. Regular salt at a table is enough, but even better sea salt.

Skin Peeling
Dry And Choppy Lips
Do you feel scratchy and dry with your lips? You probably need a scrub! Take an old toothbrush and add some table salt. Rub your lips a few minutes in a circular movement, wash them off, make sure that you don’t put your salt into your mouth, or you may feel a bit sick. In no time, this simple beauty tip fits you with lusty lips. This hack is highly recommended.

Dry And Choppy Lips