All You Need To Know About The Dangerous Snakes Of The World

Published on 01/15/2021

Caspian Cobra

The Caspian cobra, also called the Central Asian cobra, ladle snake, Oxus cobra, or Russian cobra, is a genus of venomous snake within the Elapidae family. The Caspian cobra, AKA the Central Asian cobra, Oxus cobra, or Russian cobra, is located in Central Asia and puts health insurance coverage out of your mind. Aggressive? Aggressive? Evil-tempered? The most venomous cobra species? Check triple.

Caspian Cobra

Caspian Cobra


Alcatrazes Lancehead

No, this has nothing to do with prison, but this snake could surely be the end of the life of any man. The Alcatrazes Lanceheads, native to the coastal islands surrounding Brazil, are considered to be critically endangered, meaning that they are almost extinct. Whether or not this is a good thing is for you to decide.

Alcatrazes Lancehead1

Alcatrazes Lancehead