These Suitcases Transformed This Couple’s Entire Life

Published on 05/25/2020


While doing a renovation in this house in Arizona, contractors found a military ammunition container that was filled with $500,000 worth of cash. The contractors said that the money was theirs legally since they are the ones who found them, but the owners said that is theirs since it was found at their property. However, the court disagreed on both parties and said that it should belong to the heir of whoever stashed it. However the heir died 11 years before the money was found so it was passed down to his two daughters.




Neon Light

When Clifton Cafeteria’s owner decided to renovate his bathroom, he found a neon light. And as weird as it may sound, the light was still on. Experts say that the light must’ve been on for 77 years up to date, which makes it the longest lit neon light in the world. The owner claimed that the light was first lit in 1935 when the establishment was converted into a forest-themed diner, but then he realized it could be the reason why he was paying a big amount of cash for his electricity bills.

Neon Light

Neon Light