These Humiliating Text Exchanges Between Parents And Their Kids Shouldn’t Have Been Sent

Published on 10/13/2020
These Humiliating Text Exchanges Between Parents And Their Kids Shouldn’t Have Been Sent

These Humiliating Text Exchanges Between Parents And Their Kids Shouldn’t Have Been Sent

Technology is just brilliant, wouldn’t you agree? These days, we can stream all our favorite television shows and movies right on our phones. We can see people across the world in real time with no trouble at all. We’ve even been able to take amazing pictures out in space! Despite all these incredible achievements, it’s easy to send rather awkward text messages to the wrong number. It becomes even more awkward when it’s sent to your kids or parents by accident.

Intense Discussion

We all know what Plan B is. What we also know is that you should never text your mother about it – especially when you’re trying to keep it a secret from her. It seems like this son or daughter really got themselves into trouble with this one.

Intense Discussion

Intense Discussion

They didn’t bother looking at who they were writing the message to before hitting ‘send’. The result? Something we wouldn’t even wish on our worst enemies. We can only imagine how tense that discussion must have been.

Not My Type

One of the worst things that could happen is your parents knowing what goes on between you and that person you like. There’s also nothing worse than knowing they’ve seen the messages you two have sent each other.

Not My Type

Not My Type

Unless your mom takes your phone and reads all your messages, there’s a very low chance that would happen, right? Well, there’s another way. At times, it can be a little too easy to mistakenly send a message to the wrong number, and that’s exactly what happened to this person. It’s lucky that they aren’t their mom’s type.

Name Calling

It’s not exactly a secret that parents get fed up with their kids oftentimes. However, it looks like some parents create rather rude nicknames for their kids – you can probably guess a few of them without us telling you.

Name Calling

Name Calling

When this father texted his wife asking if she’d picked up the kids, he used a very rude word in the process. He hadn’t realized that the message was sent to one of their kids instead. It’s safe to say that it didn’t go too well.

I Wasn’t Going To

When it comes to technology, especially texting, parents can sometimes be a little off the mark. Oftentimes, they think everything is possible on their smartphones and are convinced they’ll be bombarded with messages as soon as they turn on their phones.

I Wasn't Going To

I Wasn’t Going To

This mom clearly thought this. That must have been the reason she messaged her kid to let them know she didn’t want to be contacted in the next hour. Only, she then had to make it even clearer when they replied with a sassy message.

Keeping It Real

What’s better than getting a good morning text from your significant other? While there are those who are lucky enough to get just that on a regular basis, there are others who aren’t as lucky and don’t experience that.

Keeping It Real

Keeping It Real

It seems like this mom didn’t want her daughter to go without it, so she took matters into her own hands. She sent them this message from their imaginary boyfriend. We can’t figure out if this is sweet or insulting. You decide.

Full Of Love

While a lot of accidental texts to your parents can expose some dirty secrets and bits of information that kids would have rathered they didn’t know, at times, they simply showcase the love the kids have in their hearts.

Full Of Love

Full Of Love

Obviously, it’s still awkward. Most people don’t really tell their dad they love them with heart and bear emojis. Well, this person did just that. It looks like this dad had no choice but to roast their child with the same message back, but we can’t blame him.

The Worst Typo

Even though phones are constantly being updated and progressing, it seems like nothing can stop autocorrect from changing whatever word you’ve been trying to write to something that will turn things really awkward.

The Worst Typo

The Worst Typo

This mother-daughter duo realized this when one typo uncovered a secret that could turn their whole relationship around, if not their world. We guess that’s one way to announce your pregnancy, but we can’t even imagine that’s the way this girl wanted to do it.

Not Daddy, Dad

We all have our own likes and dislikes. There are people who like things that are a little naughtier than most. Of course, unless you’re looking to have some very awkward conversations, you should keep these things between you and your partner.

Not Daddy, Dad

Not Daddy, Dad

This plan went out the window once this person accidentally texted their father a request that was rather…unusual. It seems like their dad simply didn’t know what to do with that information. He’s the dad, after all, not the daddy.

Ruined Surprise

When you’re sending such an important and secretive message, it’s crucial to double-check who you’re sending it to so you make sure it’s the right person. There’s nothing worse than writing about a secret involving someone and then sending it to that person, ruining the surprise in the process.

Ruined Surprise

Ruined Surprise

Some people might be able to forget about wrong number texts involving birthday parties or gifts. However, the same cannot be said about engagements, that’s for sure. It looks like Maya here agrees.

Ice Cream

Mothers and technology don’t go hand-in-hand. At times, they struggle with figuring out what certain buttons do, what emojis mean, and how to even turn the screen on. This mother had just those struggles which caused some confusion between her and her child.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Naturally, it would be pretty great if you could go out and just buy some love. However, we would have also settled for some of the ice cream this mom was actually buying. We wonder what flavors she ended up getting?

Nice Save

Since it’s so easy to send a message to the wrong person, it’s a good idea to send your too-accurate texts in sections. This way, if you do accidentally text the wrong person, you can fix the mistake before it goes too far.

Nice Save

Nice Save

Just like this kid did. While they thought they were messaging their boyfriend and started a rather saucy conversation, they quickly realized their mistake. They’d been messaging their mom. So, they were able to fix their mistake without thinking twice.

Don’t Get Caught

When you were younger, you probably snuck out of the house at least once or twice to go to a party you weren’t really allowed to go to. It’s kind of like a rite of passage, really. It seems like this kid isn’t going to be able to sneak out of the house again.

Don't Get Caught

Don’t Get Caught

This wrong number text ruined any chance of them doing that, that’s for sure. We also have a feeling they were probably grounded until further noticed as well, just for good measure on their parents’ part.

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me?

It’s nice to know that your mom can use her cell phone if you need to get in touch with her. However, at times, this can work against you. As soon as they figure out how to send pictures, GIFs, and more, the tables really turn.

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me

They’re going to keep on doing this until they aren’t sending any words at all. It looks like this mother had been doing just that. She couldn’t help but roast her child in the process with an iconic Mean Girls quote.

A Smile

Everyone’s heard the expression saying you’re not truly dressed without a smile. We have a feeling Ashley wasn’t talking about that when she messaged about Dan’s ‘smile’ to her father. To start off, her dad didn’t seem to catch onto what was happening.

A Smile

A Smile

We’re guessing that Ashley was sure she’d gotten away with it. Unfortunately for her, her dad made it clear soon enough that he knew just what she was talking about. We’re sure she didn’t get to see Dan’s smile for a while after this happened.


There are times when accidental messages can be taken out of context, especially when these texts look like pregnancy announcements. We bet this dad was shocked like nobody’s business when he got this message from his daughter that was meant for her boyfriend.



We can imagine that no father wants to find out their daughter is ‘prego’, especially not over an accidental message. Luckily, it looks like his daughter and her boyfriend were more interested in getting tomato sauce for their pasta rather than bringing a baby into the world.

Strike A Pose

Most parents might want you to stay single forever, but it seems like they also want to hook you up with the perfect person who just so happens to be on their way to medical school. You can’t win, either way.

Strike A Pose

Strike A Pose

This mom made her way to the dog park and came across this guy who seemed like the perfect match for her daughter. The entire thing got very awkward quickly. It looks like mothers love going to the dog park only to scout out boyfriends for their daughters.

Mom Stop

At times, accidental messages can reveal some deep secrets that people have spent years hiding. However, as soon as you hit that send button, there’s no turning back. This person soon realized this for themselves.

Mom Stop

Mom Stop

While they clearly didn’t mean to come out to their family and introduce their partner, it looks like they had no choice. The message had been sent, it’s been received, and worst of all, it’s been read. Well, turns out their mom had known since they were 5 anyways, so it’s not such a big deal.

Sudden Realization

Despite the fact that technology has advanced so much over the years, it still has a long way to go before a text that’s already been sent can be removed completely. This means that people have to live with the knowledge that they’ve sent one of the most awkward texts ever.

Sudden Realization

Sudden Realization

Soon enough, their child realized this for themselves after sending a personal and rather racy text to their own mother. What’s more, they realized it even before their mother could read the message at all.

I Can’t Wait

Some accidental texts to parents can be too personal at times, but there are others that are no more than a little weird. After all, there are things that kids don’t like telling their parents. Calling them ‘babe’ and saying they miss them is definitely one of those things.

I Can't Wait

I Can’t Wait

All the same, that’s just what happened to this kid when they texted their mom. We can only imagine that their mother was happy to get a text that was more than just one word for a change. At least it’s not racy, right?

Pranking Galore

Having the option of texting someone at any given time means that a lot of people tend to feel safe even when they’re alone. It looks like this kid knew they wanted to immediately text their mom when they thought there was a thief in the house.

Pranking Galore

Pranking Galore

Naturally, what they didn’t realize was that there was no thief at all. Instead, it was their own mother who was simply playing a prank on them. There are times when we wish parents just didn’t have phones. Or a sense of humor, for that matter.

Welcome To The Digital Age

While most people own smartphones now, it still doesn’t mean that everyone knows how to actually use them. Oftentimes, parents struggle with adjusting to the digital age. They might assume that they’ll be able to pick things up quickly, but it doesn’t really work like that.

Welcome To The Digital Age

Welcome To The Digital Age

This exchange perfectly demonstrates just that. This mom is still getting used to having a phone, and it looks like she fell right at the first hurdle. The spacebar button. It’s a basic tool we’re sure she’ll master soon enough.

Take The Hint

Since parents can’t see their kids all day every day, they tend to use text messaging as a way to keep in touch and know what’s going on in their kids’ lives. This is true even when they’re busy. Despite the fact that their child said they were on a date and couldn’t answer…

Take The Hint

Take The Hint

However, that didn’t stop their mom from asking every single question in existence about the person they were on a date with. More importantly, they wanted to know if the other person liked kids.

The Less You Know

At times, you might find yourself sending some strange accidental texts to your parents. This person experienced it for themselves, that’s for sure. They simply wanted to complain about a person to their friends.

The Less You Know

The Less You Know

However, they didn’t realize they’d sent the message to their dad instead. Luckily, their dad didn’t think anything of the message he’d gotten. If anything, he gave them some advice on their mission for revenge on said person.

Automated Message

While most people know you can send automated messaged whenever you don’t want to be disturbed, they typically do it at times they need it, like when they’re in an important meeting. However, that doesn’t mean that some people do this by accident and send these messages at random.

Automated Message

Automated Message

We can only guess this dad did just that. That’s why their kid decided to have fun with it while playing around with their dad’s inability to use a phone correctly. The result made the entire ordeal pretty clear. He was not, in fact, in a meeting. What a revelation.

No More

We have to give this parent some credit. They really tried to get the hang of technology and get ahead of the game. Even with small things like emojis and emoticons. They want to discover all that’s available on their phone, and we don’t blame them.

No More

No More

This mom tried being clever by creating her very own emoticon. Her child was curious to see what she came up with. However, when the emoticon was revealed, it’s clear that this mom should stay far far away from technology.


Parents can sometimes try a little too hard to be down with the kids, so to speak. At times, it can be endearing. However, it can also become really uncomfortable. It might just make their kids realize that they aren’t actually grownups. That’s what this kid discovered when their mom bought a car she couldn’t actually afford.



That’s when she tried being “cool” by using the phrase ‘YOLO’ despite the fact that she didn’t know what it meant. All the same, she still managed to use it correctly, which makes it all the more embarrassing.

Laugh Out Loud

LOL is an acronym that’s been used for quite some time now, and for the most part, people tend to know it means “laugh out loud”. Still, it looks like there are many parents out there who think it means “lots of love”.

Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud

It’s an easy mistake to make, but it does cause some issues when they send it to friends and family following a tragedy. We can only imagine how mortified this mother was when she found this out. She must have spent a good amount of time trying to rectify her mistake after this.

Wrong Person

There are times when moms can be so sweet. It’s always nice getting a text from them randomly. We can only guess that this kid was super happy to get this message from their mother and couldn’t wait to reciprocate.

Wrong Person

Wrong Person

If only their mom actually meant to send them this message… Naturally, this begs the question of who was the message supposed to be sent to in the first place? Your guess is as good as ours, if we’re being honest.

I’m Lonely

Most kids assume that their parents are in a loving relationship that will never falter. After all, they’re the ultimate couple, right? Well, that isn’t always the case. It seems like moms don’t mind sharing information with their kids regarding their relationships with their husbands.

I'm Lonely

I’m Lonely

This one proves that you don’t always have to like the person you happen to be married to. This mom simply wanted to spend time with her kid since she likes them more than her own husband. We can’t argue with that.

Some Questions

Moms can be rather inquisitive a lot of the time. They want to know everything they possibly can about their kids’ lives. With the help of technology, they can now be in different rooms as their kids and still find out what they want to.

Some Questions

Some Questions

They can simply text them. This mom went a little too far with her questions and it looks like her kid really couldn’t take much more of it. We can’t blame them – who wants to get the same exact message repeatedly like that?


A lot of parents are convinced that their kids are total angels, but one simple wrong number text can change everything. Up to this point in time, this mother was probably sure her kid didn’t drink or get into trouble. However, she soon realized that wasn’t the case.

12 Pack

12 Pack

Incredibly enough, this mom didn’t blow things out of proportion. Instead, she kept things light and simply made sure that her child was staying safe and being responsible. She’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom.

Warning Sign

We have to give all these mothers some credit. They really are trying their best. All they want to do is fit in and seem like they’re ‘cool’ and down with the kids. Obviously, this doesn’t always work out the way they want it to.

Warning Sign

Warning Sign

When this mom tried to warn her kid about the danger of icy roads, she finished off her message with a warning that should have sent chills down their spine. Instead, it backfired. She used YOLO without realizing it did not work in this context.

That’s How I Roll

Honestly, people are weird in general. Most people are content with their own weirdness, but they often keep it away from their parents to keep from getting disowned. Clearly, this kid didn’t get the memo.

That's How I Roll

That’s How I Roll

They accidentally texted their dad a weird message that would have raised plenty of eyebrows. It looks like their dad didn’t really get the joke either. We bet they had some awkward encounters after this happened.

Mom, Stop

Moms really do try to be funny. At times, they show us that they do, in fact, have a funny bone. On the other hand, there are other times when things are not the slightest bit funny and it just gets embarrassing.

Mom, Stop

Mom, Stop

When this kid asked their mom if she got cream cheese and crackers from the store, they probably thought she’d answer them in a normal way. Naturally, that was not the case. We assume this person stayed away from their mom for a little while after this.

So Hip

There are a lot of parents who complain that their kids are constantly on their phones. However, it looks like some parents are just as bad as their kids in that regard. This mom most likely told off her kid for their screen time many times before.

So Hip

So Hip

Still, that didn’t stop her from texting them while they were already in the same house. While this mom simply wanted to be ‘hip’, we can’t really figure out if she succeeded in doing it or not. Let’s just give her this one. She’s earned it.

Making It Clear

Oftentimes, moms seem to struggle with sending a coherent text message. That’s why some of them don’t bother sending full words. Instead, they use abbreviations and acronyms as much as possible. We’re not making fun of their efforts – they really are trying.

Making It Clear

Making It Clear

This mom was trying so hard to find the space bar and separate all her mashed-up words. So, she seeked out help from her kid. In the end, they were able to sort it all out, solving the pesky issue that was hounding this poor mother.

Owning Google

Since it can take them time to understand how technology works, moms tend to assume their kids know just about everything there is to know about the internet, cell phones, and everything else that’s out of their comfort zone.

Owning Google

Owning Google

This mom was sure it was her kid who had been changing the Google logo on her computer. We don’t even know where to start with this one. It’s rather cute that she thought her child ran all of Google, but that isn’t the case.

Wrong Acronym

The world of technology is so full of abbreviations and acronyms. It makes things easier, sure, but it also can complicate things at times. It seems like the whole world has adopted plenty of different sayings over the years. ‘WTF’ is most definitely one of them.

Wrong Acronym

Wrong Acronym

That doesn’t mean that parents understand what it really stands for. It looks like this innocent mother tried using it to reference the days of the week. If only that were the case… Life would be a lot less insulting.


At times, it’s almost as if cell phones are an alien invention made to be impossible for moms and dads to use without struggling. They simply can’t get the hang of it no matter how hard they try. This causes them to get things wrong and make some mistakes along the way.



When this mother sent her very first text message, their child thought they were sending something truly important and profound. Soon enough, however, they realized that she had no idea what she was doing. We’re sure she’s not the only one this happened to.

Knowing Your Options

When getting used to new cell phones, plenty of moms like knowing what they can do with them. Not to mention, all the options their cell phones have to offer. This mother wanted to find out whether she could text 911 in case of an emergency.

Knowing Your Options

Knowing Your Options

So who better to ask than her own child? Naturally, their kid immediately began worrying and asked where she was and if she was okay. Moms using cell phones freely is a rather significant concern, after all.

Bad Connection

We’re all familiar with the classic “I’m going through a tunnel, I can’t hear you” excuse to get off the phone. Honestly, we’ve all probably used it once or twice. Well, this is somewhat of a different situation.

Bad Connection

Bad Connection

Whether this was a joke or not, this child was certainly not amused in the slightest. Maybe this mother didn’t realize that writing out you have a bad connection rather than saying it on a call has two different reactions, not to mention, levels of believability.

Photo Fail

There’s just something about mothers who try taking pictures on smartphones that seems to be…off. Here is a perfect example of a mother doing her very best to share a beautiful day with her child by sending them pictures.

Photo Fail

Photo Fail

The only problem? The pictures she’s sending are covered by her finger over the lens. What’s worse is that when she’s made aware of the mistake, she still can’t seem to figure out and fix it. It’s very entertaining to see, to say the least.

Chocolate Kiss

Emojis happen to be rather new. You can mix things up in your texts by adding some into your messages or as a means of expressing yourself in a more creative way. It’s fun, to be honest, and everyone loves them for a reason.

Chocolate Kiss

Chocolate Kiss

Here we have a classic mix-up emoji situation. This poor mother is convinced that the poop emoji is actually a chocolate kiss. While we can see why she’d think so, peopel’s first thought would not be of chocolate when seeing this emoji. This mom is just so sweetly innocent.

We Love You No Matter What

There are several ways you can understand if someone you know is coming out to you. Here we can see a classic situation. The parents of this boy are sure he’s coming out of the closet rather than coming out to see them over the weekend.

We Love You No Matter What

We Love You No Matter What

This is an exchange that truly made us laugh. On top of that, we love the fact that these parents are so accepting no matter what. It’s a sweet response to get from your parents, whatever the situation may be.

Dad Joke

There’s a certain thing about dads. They always are so sure they’re hilarious when they’re just being weird. Here we see an unsettling conversation between a father and his kid. From the looks of it, this dad is rather proud of himself.

Dad Joke

Dad Joke

Dad is trying to be funny by answering questions in a literal way rather than in the way their kid expects. As the conversation progresses, it’s clear how annoyed this kid is getting with their dad. It’s quite funny to watch it all unfold.


Ah, young ones tend to blow things out of proportions at times. They use a lot of ‘OMG’s in their texts more often than not. It’s not unusual or uncommon. It’s simply entertaining for everyone else to see.



This dad decided to take a leaf out of their child’s book and answered every single text they got from them with an OMG. We can’t blame the child, we’d get annoyed too. However, as soon as the kid mentioned their mother, the dad got scared, adding ‘no’ to the last OMG.


When texting, it’s common to use acronyms to make things shorter and quicker for you and the person you’re talking to. There’s LOL which means ‘Laugh Out Loud’, ILY – ‘I Love You’, IDK – ‘I Don’t Know’, and TTYL – ‘Talk To You Later’. These are rather known ones.



This mom was curious to find out what all these acronyms mean, so she texted her child asking just that. Due to the fact that the answer to her question sounded like an entire sentence, she didn’t understand that they were actually giving her the answer she wanted.

A Moth

We like this dad, he’s cool. Their kid happened to see a moth outside the bathroom door and promptly messaged their dad in an absolute panic, asking him to please get rid of it as soon as possible.

A Moth

A Moth

This is a moth we’re talking about, not a cockroach or a spider, or even a bee. Well, this dad decided to take the clever route and have a little fun with it, responding as the moth. We can’t help but admire his creativity and humor. It’s top notch.

Falling Into The Trap

You want to find out what the best way is to get your child to respond to your texts? Send them a message saying that you’re buying them something expensive they’ve been wanting – like a car. This is a brilliant little hack for all parents out there.

Falling Into The Trap

Falling Into The Trap

It looks like it’s very effective, as you can see from this exchange. This mother discovered this little trick to make sure her kid was actually getting all her messages and getting their chores done. While it can be a tiny bit cruel, it works.

Took A Minute

This is an example of a dad who clearly didn’t realize what he had been doing until after it was already done. His kid left their phone at home before leaving the house, and the father noticed this. Trying to be helpful, they texted said phone that it was forgotten…

Took A Minute

Took A Minute

Wow. Sometimes, parents don’t understand the way things work, do they? All the same, this is a rather adorable little mishap that happened. It will get a chuckle out of you, we’re sure of it. Maybe next time, he’ll try calling the phone instead?

Helpful Advice

This dad is a police officer and he knows a thing or two, clearly. Well, his kid was not having a good time at practice and said they wanted to stab everyone who was there. A little extreme, but we’ll let it slide.

Helpful Advice

Helpful Advice

However, this kid must not have expected their father’s reaction. The dad is just super chill, telling them how to do so without getting into trouble or leaving a visible trace that could lead back to them.

How Can You Be So Sure?

When your mom messages you something and gets no response, she tends to think that something is wrong with her phone rather than the possibility that the person she messaged isn’t responding on purpose.

How Can You Be So Sure

How Can You Be So Sure

This kid made sure their mother knew her messages were going through. Well, the mom still wasn’t convinced. She got the response from her kid but still wasn’t sure whether her messages were going through in the first place.


Once again, autocorrect is the reason behind some of the funniest text messages out there. This mother simply wanted to help her kid with clothing that was ripped. All the kid wanted to do was reply that she already did it.



It seems autocorrect had another plan in mind. It changed the words to something that was a whole lot more embarrassing. At least the mother took it in stride. She responded in a cool and calm way, clearing the air.

Leaving Walmart

It seems to be some kind of universal experience to be left behind at the store at some point in our childhoods. This is exactly what this kid was trying to tell their mother without being rude or too blunt when they messaged her.

Leaving Walmart

Leaving Walmart

The mom must have really gotten distracted at the store to leave her child behind without even realizing it. While we hear stories like this one all the time, this kid got to experience it first hand. Well, they’re going to be able to guilt their mother into doing things for a long time after this.

Not A Typo

While most of the time, typos can be something unwanted, there are still times we wish it were the case. This is the perfect example of that. This dad was a little too blunt with his kid when messaging them.

Not A Typo

Not A Typo

The kid was so sure that their dad simply had some kind of typo or autocorrect fail when they got this message. They couldn’t believe he would come out and say something like that with no warning. Well, they were wrong. The dad was simply saying what he meant to.

Lightly Fried Fish Fillets

We’ve all had those moments when we can’t sleep no matter what we do. So, we do something random in the middle of the night, whether it be cooking a meal, reading a book, or watching a movie. This dad was having just that kind of night.

Lightly Fried Fish Fillets

Lightly Fried Fish Fillets

He didn’t want to be rude, he offered his kid some food that he had just made. This entire conversation contains the words ‘lightly fried fish fillets’ one too many times, but it’s very entertaining all the same, we must admit.

I Made You

There are some kids who need to know when they’re treading on thin ice. This person thought they’d be clever and message their mom to stop telling jokes. They were sure they were being helpful by giving their mother advice.

I Made You

I Made You

However, what they had coming was not something they’d ever expected. Their mom immediately shot back with these three words: “I made you.” Ouch. We can’t help but admire the mother’s quick-witted answer. Touche.

Best Son Ever

This kid obviously thinks rather highly of himself to see himself as the best son in the world. His father, on the other hand, knows exactly who the best son in the world actually is. And he isn’t about to let his own son forget it.

Best Son Ever

Best Son Ever

When his kid messaged him to ask what it’s like being a father to the best son, his dad wasn’t having it. Instead, he told him to ask his grandfather. Clearly, the son was searching for a compliment from his dad, and it backfired.


This mother is as savage as all the rest we’ve seen up till now. She’s certainly one of the best, too. Her child texted her with a sweet hello, asking what’s going on. After responding with a silly innocent joke, the kid mocked her.



The mother was not having it. She felt the need to teach her kid a lesson. The ultimate zinger to show who really was the boss. It’s rather hardcore if you ask us. It will take a while for this kid to recover from that.

Straight Up

We all know how much parents love their kids. They would do absolutely anything for them. They’d sacrifice their own happiness if it meant their kids would be happy. At times, however, moms choose to show some tough love.

Straight Up

Straight Up

We’re not psychologists by any means, but we’re thinking that calling your kid a loser is going too far. But hey, we don’t know these people so it might be fine. Maybe this was that nudge this kid needed to go out and make friends.

Perfect Comeback

Here is another prime example of a child thinking they could outsmart their own mom. After being scolded about all the cups and dishes being in their room instead of the kitchen, the kid thought they’d be clever.

Perfect Comeback

Perfect Comeback

Clearly, their mother was not the least bit amused. She didn’t miss a beat before replying that there was less of a chance for a woman to be in the kid’s room than in the kitchen, as they’d said. All we can say to that is ouch.

Playing A Little Game

This mom, before going away for the weekend, decided to leave her kid some money for food and whatnot. Well, to encourage them to do some cleaning, she decided to make a little game out of it. She hid the money in their room for them to find inside the mess.

Playing A Little Game

Playing A Little Game

If the kid wanted it enough, they’d have to clean their room well in order to find it. The only question we have now is whether the mother actually hid money inside the room or she simply said she did so they would clean.

Make Your Bed

There’s a never-ending debate about whether people should make their beds each morning or not. It might look nice to have a tidy bed throughout the day, but no one will really see it. And anyway, it will get all messed up again at night.

Make Your Bed

Make Your Bed

What’s the point then? This mom was able to come up with a pretty perfect answer to that question. Aside from the fact that she doesn’t need a reason, she still has one. Make your bed or don’t get fed – there, that makes it easier, no?

You’d Miss Me

Whoever’s seen the movie Lion would know how emotional it is. It’s a true story about an Indian boy who went missing for over two decades. After watching this movie, this girl was feeling rather sentimental.

You'd Miss Me

You’d Miss Me

She reached out to her mom to see how devastated she’d be if she’d go missing for that long. She got a different answer than she’d expected, that’s for sure. However, her mom quickly changed her answer, claiming it was autocorrect’s fault. Nice.

Funny Ornament

A lot of the time, the holiday season is seen as a time for family and joy. However, this dad might see it as a time for jokes as well. When he was offered to get an ornament for his child, they answered that they wanted a funny one.

Funny Ornament

Funny Ornament

It was the perfect opportunity for the dad to mess with their child with a hilarious insult. All he replied was that he would be on the lookout for an ornament with their face on it. Well done, dad, well done.

I’m Alive

Plenty of parents expect their kids to message them every now and again, especially when they’re older and move out of the house. It can be as simple as a single text. There are times when the kids can make it more literal.

I'm Alive

I’m Alive

This messaged their mom just two words: “I’m alive”. Obviously, the mom was meant to react in an appropriate way, either relieved or happy or something. No. She was very underwhelmed. All she responded to that was “K”.

D In Work

Ah, the sass is strong with these two. Whenever a kid who’s still in school texts their parents in the middle of the day, it will raise the same question – why are they texting in class? This situation was no different in that regard.

D In Work

D In Work

This kid thought they had the perfect response locked and ready to go, but their mom beat them at their own game with her own witty comeback that obliterated them. She promptly pointed out that she was failing work.

Ghosting Mom

Ghosting is a rather recent concept that has been adopted by many. Essentially, it simply means that someone isn’t replying to your messages and just ignoring you in general. Hence, the term ‘ghosting’. They disappear.

Ghosting Mom

Ghosting Mom

In a hilarious turn of events, this person messaged their mother and she did the funniest thing she could: she simply didn’t respond! This ghosting mom showed her indifference in the most savage way. We really feel for the kid.

That’s Nice

We all know the great feeling of getting a fresh new haircut. Especially if it’s a bigger change than usual, like this girl’s cut. She went from having long brown hair to having a sleek, jet black bob. We absolutely love it.

That's Nice

That’s Nice

Her mother’s reaction isn’t as kind, however. Now that the haircut was done, she has nothing more to say on the matter at hand. Maybe she was so surprised about the change that she wasn’t sure of what to say?

Who Is This

Another clear example of a quick-witted parent is this mother. For some people, it takes courage to say ‘I love you’ to their parents. On the other hand, some blurt it out at any given time without a second thought.

Who Is This

Who Is This

Of course, there are those who don’t say it at all. This person was definitely not expecting the reply she got when she sent those three words to her own mother. All she got in response was ‘who is this’. What a savage.

The Messy One

If we all had a dollar for each time our moms scream at us for not cleaning our rooms, we’d all be rich, let’s be honest. As we’ve gotten older, it looks like our parents have started to accept our messy habits.

The Messy One

The Messy One

They simply can’t keep arguing about the same thing anymore. In this case, the mom knows her kid inside and out. Of course, she won’t be using the cleaning rag. She might not even know what the rag is used for at all.

Roast Of The Year

It’s bad enough getting roasted by a parent, but both of them? It’s unfair by that point. This guy wanted his dad to have his back after getting rejected by his mom. He took a shot in the dark, but he missed.

Roast Of The Year

Roast Of The Year

Thanks to their team spirit and a savage response, this guy was turned into a roasted peanut by his very own parents. His mom definitely won the roast of the year award, hands down. These parents knew just how to handle this situation and they did so beautifully.

Can I Borrow Money

Once again, we get to see a quick-witted parent strike. We know how hard it is to talk about money with your parents, or any family member, for that matter. It can be awkward trying to bring up the conversation over dinner.

Can I Borrow Money

Can I Borrow Money

It’s not a fun conversation to have no matter what the reason behind it is. This person’s conversation with his dad went just as bad as he expected it to. He got shot down, badly. Maybe he should have aimed lower and asked for like $100 instead.

They Are Lying

Who doesn’t love getting complimented and told they look good? It’s totally natural to enjoy such a thing. If multiple people are complimenting you then that must be true, right? Well, according to this guy’s mom, no.

They Are Lying

They Are Lying

This guy wanted one last compliment from his own mother, but she wasn’t having it. She had a ruthless response locked and loaded. We can’t help but find it hilarious. All the same, we’re sure he did look good.

Happy Birthday Me

Grandparents with cell phones are a whole different story than parents with phones. They either can’t figure them out at all or are so proficient that FaceTime becomes their new best friend. There’s no in between.

Happy Birthday Me

Happy Birthday Me

Once they figure it out, there’s no going back. They don’t stop contacting you. Of course, we love it, but at times, they do need to be ignored. This guy barely woke up when his grandma sent him a sarcastic message for not wishing her a happy birthday.

And The Oscar Goes To…

Remember when you would accidentally break something expensive in the house and then freak out about the way your parents will react? We definitely remember. You’d scramble around trying to clean up the mess and get rid of the evidence.

And The Oscar Goes To...

And The Oscar Goes To…

That, or you’d curl up in a corner crying while awaiting your fate. This girl came up with a third option! Pretend you’re dead. Yes, really. This story is absolutely hilarious, but wow does it take some great acting skills and dedication.

Thanks For The Support

This tweet is a great example of a parent making an excellent joke. Quick-firing wit is the key. Well played, mom. Instead of having a deep conversation or giving some advice like you’d expect, this mother roasted the absolute life out of her daughter.

Thanks For The Support

Thanks For The Support

To be fair, being a mother to a teenager is probably as difficult as it seems. This mom is probably giving the emotional support that’s needed. However, this time around, she just wanted to poke some fun at her daughter.

The Deaf Can Hear You

You know you’re doing something wrong in life when your mom turns out to be a whole lot funnier than you are. This guy thought he was hilarious when he tried insulting his mother for speaking too loudly.

The Deaf Can Hear You

The Deaf Can Hear You

Instead, she just retaliated with this incredible line he never saw coming. This mom would definitely do well in a good comedy club, let’s be honest. Even the guy had enough of a sense of humor to appreciate the joke.

Meeting The Parents

It takes courage to invite a significant other to meet the parents. It’s a serious milestone in any relationship. At times, it can be awkward for everyone, and that’s okay. When this girl invited her boyfriend for dinner, she was immediately shot down with her mom’s savage response.

Meeting The Parents

Meeting The Parents

We can’t help but wonder if the boyfriend ever ended up coming for dinner after this happened. If he did, we hope it went well and didn’t get too awkward with this mother in the mix of things. Is that too much to hope for?

Your Father’s Brain

Isn’t your mom supposed to be your biggest fan? She’s the one who’s meant to be cheering you on from the sidelines. She’s the one who texts you on the morning of your last exam to wish you luck. She’s the one who knows you best.

Your Father's Brain

Your Father’s Brain

Well… This guy’s mom might not be exactly that. It looks like she has a different outlook on her son’s potential and intelligence. It’s a hysterical, not to mention, brutal, takedown on her part, but we appreciate that.

Blonde Moment

We all know that ‘blonde’ friend who has a slightly lower IQ. We can’t help but love them no matter what. This girl seems like she might be one of those people. The funniest part about it is that her mom seems to be thinking the same thing.

Blonde Moment

Blonde Moment

After realizing she had a blonde moment, this girl’s mom crept in only to say that she’d been having a blonde moment her entire life. It’s an absolutely savage response, an amazing one if we’re being honest.

Back To India

Just look at their expressions. It’s clear that they don’t approve of their daughter’s behavior. Her’s dad’s head is in his hands. It looks like he doesn’t have much to say on the matter other than a stern and disapproving look.

Back To India

Back To India

Her mother’s jaw practically hit the floor as a look of disgust dawned on her face. She truly was in awe of what she just saw. Is there anything that can be done about it, however? From the looks of it, there isn’t.

Delicious Sauce

We’ve all had a time when we were obsessed with different condiments as kids. Ketchup was almost like a sweet treat at some point or another. Well, this woman’s 2-year-old has the right idea by the looks of it.

Delicious Sauce

Delicious Sauce

Some kids tend to be old before their time in a sense. The 6-year-old definitely seems to be one of them. He sounds like a wise soul already – and an observant one at that. Either that or he’s simply a goody two shoes.

Points Were Made

Next time you happen to be annoyed at your mom for getting a little too close to you, take a moment to think before you say anything. Even if she forgets to knock before coming into your bedroom. Read this tweet.

Points Were Made

Points Were Made

To be fair, she is right. On top of the truth in her words, it’s a hilarious comeback. We tend to forget a lot of the time how our mothers grew us – quite literally. If she chooses to invade your personal space, just remember this tweet.

Dinner Time

Are you looking for yet another reason to appreciate your mom? Look no further. Mothers always put dinner on the table and food in our mouths no matter what. Technically speaking, they’re the reason we’re still alive.

Dinner Time

Dinner Time

This is especially true if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t know how to use anything in the kitchen. If you ask us, this mom was completely in the right to tell her family to whip out their cameras to commemorate the meal she’d made all on her own.

No Moms On Twitter

Remember the good old days when our parents kept trying to get us to add them on Facebook? They never gave up, did they? There were those parents who would retweet everything you tweeted only to get your attention so you’d follow them back.

No Moms On Twitter

No Moms On Twitter

Nowadays, somehow, they’ve managed to worm their way into our networks. It looks like they’re here to stay, too. The main problem with this is that they know too much. And by too much, we mean everything.

Back Down To Earth

This guy obviously was excited about his new admirer. It’s always nice to get a compliment, as we’ve said. Trouble is, his mom had other questions in mind when he mentioned the fact that he’d been called cute.

Back Down To Earth

Back Down To Earth

She cut straight to the chase without missing a beat. She had to know the truth behind the sudden flirtation going on between her son and a woman. Who was this woman? Did she have money? Was she actually his age?

Twitter Drama

Just imagine what it would feel like if your parents forgot your birthday. It hurts, right? It would break your heart. However, would it be okay for a son or daughter to forget their parents’ birthday? How would that go?

Twitter Drama

Twitter Drama

As you get older, it seems like birthdays become less important, don’t they? Well, this guy’s dad definitely took it to heart when one of his kids forgot his birthday. In fact, he was so hurt by it that he posted about it on his Twitter.
