Everyone Was Happy That This Surrogate Mother Had Twins Until The Truth Came Out

Published on 09/02/2019

An Important Message

After the pregnancy, everyone returned to their lives. She returned home to recover from the pregnancy and bought a new home for the family. A month later, they got a text from her female client as they were about to move in. It was a photo of the twins and an expression of doubt. Allen told New York Post that her client asked, “Have you thought about why they are different?” and “They are not the same, right?”

An Important Message

An Important Message


Very Rare But Not Impossible

In that week, the babies took a DNA test. The results were shocking! They found out that they were not twins at all. One of them was the child of Allen and her husband. The embryos were found to have different gestational ages as well. This is what they call superfetation, in which a pregnant woman starts to ovulate. Allen conceived a baby while there was an implanted embryo inside of her body already!

Very Rare But Not Impossible

Very Rare But Not Impossible