Family Arrives At Hotel In Cuba Only To See It Looks Nothing Like The Brochure

Published on 03/26/2019


It looked like Gayle, the birthday girl, was the most disappointed out of everyone in the Evans family. She wanted nothing more than to spend some quality time with her children, and instead, she just wished they could all get back home as soon as possible.



“We wanted a really special time away together,” Gayle said. “My children are growing up and I knew it was probably the last chance to be away as a family.”


Feeling Sick

Naturally, just when the family was sure their trip couldn’t get worse, it did. After spending a few days at the resort, the family started getting stomach pains. They assumed it would have been because of the uncleanliness of the resort, or even the food that they ate there.

Feeling Sick

Feeling Sick

“To top it off, everyone except me had upset stomachs during the holiday,” Gayle said. “And my youngest daughter was very ill on the flight home.”