We Bet You Failed To Notice These Wardrobe Errors In Your Favorite Movies

Published on 09/25/2018

Troy: Umbrellas Didn’t Exist Then

This pink umbrella probably helped Orlando Bloom keep away from the sun during the shoots for Troy. However, the real Paris would not have enjoyed the shade! The Trojan War occurred years before the umbrella came into fashion. It would only be invented around the 5th century BCE, so the warriors from both sides of the war had to battle it out under the full heat of the sun.




Raiders of the Lost Ark: An Extra Is Actually Wearing Jeans

This one is pretty subtle, so you might not even notice if you weren’t actively looking for it. In the back, you can spot an extra in jeans and a shirt! This is a pretty common get-up nowadays, though we really don’t think anyone in Egypt during the 1930’s was rocking this look.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Raiders Of The Lost Ark