Historical Figures Don’t Look The Same As You Think They Are

Published on 06/15/2022


Meritamun means “beloved of the god Amun” in English, and it was developed by University of Melbourne researchers after they discovered her skull while exploring the university’s records. Because she was from ancient Egypt, they were perplexed as to how her skull wound up in the United States. In any case, she was renowned as the Queen of the Nile and was one of Pharaoh Ramesses’ Great Royal Wives. She was buried at Egypt’s Valley of the Queens, according to historical records.




What Meritamun Really Looked Like

They didn’t have a lot of information on her because the skull was the only thing they had. Whatever the case may be, they learned more about her. They revealed she was between the ages of 18 and 25 at the time of her death, yet the exact cause of death remains unknown. They also noticed that she enjoys sweets due to her dental problems. This is valid because Alexander III transported it to Egypt while she was still alive.

What Meritamun Really Looked Like

What Meritamun Really Looked Like