Donald F. McGahn II (Counsel to the President) – $179,700
From 2016 to 2018, Donald McGhan was White House Counsel. He got paid $179,700 a year. He was on the Federal Election Commission for over five years prior to starting his job at the White House. As White House counsel, McGahn actually helped push through the lifetime appointments of over 100 conservative judges. This includes the successful nominations of Brett M. Kavanaugh and Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Donald F. McGahn II
Mira R. Ricardel (Deputy National Security Advisor) – $179,700
Former deputy national security adviser and assistant to the president Mira Ricardel made $179,700 a year during her time at the White House. Actually, she only held the position for less than a year. First Lady Melania Trump requested that Ricardel be fired. There were reports that soon after Ricardel joined the Trump administration, she developed a reputation for her abrasiveness. She reportedly racked up enemies and made few allies.

Mira R. Ricardel