Salaries Of People Working At The White House

Published on 12/10/2020

Anne LeHardy (Director Of Media Operations For The Office Of The First Lady) — $72,700

The East Wing or the Office of the First Lady gets its own staff as well. This includes communications officials. Melania Trump’s communications coordinator Anne LeHardy was hired in 2018. She had previously worked in the private sector. In 2019, it was indicated in the White House salary report that she was the director of media operations and was paid $72,700. In the Obama White House, nobody had this exact title but Joanna Rosholm, Michelle Obama’s deputy communications director in 2016, made $78,124 per year.

Anne LeHardy (Director Of Media Operations For The Office Of The First Lady) — $72,700

Anne LeHardy (Director Of Media Operations For The Office Of The First Lady) — $72,700


Lee Ann Clark (Chief Calligrapher) — $99,400

We bet that you did not expect that calligraphy would be so lucrative in 2019. The White House currently has three calligraphers on staff. The lowest-paid calligrapher earns $72,800 a year while the chief calligrapher, Lee Ann Clark, makes a tidy $99,400. Her beautiful writing adorns official invitations, programs, certificates, name cards, and other documents. In 2016, there were three calligraphers in Obama’s White House as well. The top scribe was paid $100,110.

Lee Ann Clark (Chief Calligrapher) — $99,400

Lee Ann Clark (Chief Calligrapher) — $99,400