Before She Was Able To Share The Amazing News, Her Husband Left Her

Published on 11/06/2020

Don’t Come Looking

Jack added a note at the bottom of the letter that warned Laura that she shouldn’t even bother trying to find him or her sister, as they were moving out to West Virginia together and didn’t want to be seen, as if Laura didn’t feel bad enough about herself after reading her husband’s heart-wrenching letter. How were they able to do this to her?

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Don’t Come Looking


Bold Statements

Laura felt like she had been in such an unbelievable dream all day long, but now her world was shattering at her fingertips. It wasn’t just that her seven-year-old husband decided to leave her — and to do it by writing her a note instead of speaking face-to-face to her — but he left her for her sister!

Bold Statements

Bold Statements