Wrestling Romances That Did Not Only Stay In The Ring But Also In Real Life

Published on 03/16/2020

Lex Luger & Miss Elizabeth

It all started during 1998 when Luger and Elizabeth began while working in WCW. At the time she ended her marriage to her second husband and moved in with Luger shortly afterward. However, Luger’s life took a heavy crash and was completely out of control, unfortunately, Elizabeth soon joined him and it seemed all was going to end in disaster.

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Lex Luger & Miss Elizabeth


Teddy Long & Kristal

Teddy Long was Smackdown General Manager for quite some time. However, backstage there was someone in particular who had caught Teddy’s eye. Kristal started off as a backstage interviewer and then became a part-time wrestler, this was the reason their love interest quickly developed. Within no time the couple was set to be married on a special episode of Smackdown. However, Teddy suffered a “heart attack” during the ceremony and was removed as general manager. Things got a bit messy and out of the blue Kristal suddenly left WWE, just a few short weeks after the wedding aired.

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Teddy Long & Kristal