Wrestling Romances That Did Not Only Stay In The Ring But Also In Real Life

Published on 03/16/2020

Aiden English & Shaul Guerrero

Aiden English’s marriage to the Guerrero family has been well-known for a long time. Vickie Guerrero, Eddie’s widow, gave birth to Shaul, their only child. Until 2014, she worked in WWE’s FCW and NXT development territories. AEW’s Women’s Tag Team Cup Tournament is set for 2020, and she has already made an announcement regarding her participation. Prior to becoming a WWE commentator, Aiden English was a tag team wrestler. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, he and many others were released earlier this year.

Aiden English & Shaul Guerrero

Aiden English & Shaul Guerrero


Allie & The Blade

The Blade (AKA Braxton Sutter) was set up to marry Laurel Van Ness (AKA Chelsea Green) in an awkward storyline in Impact Wrestling, but he and Allie were married two years before they signed with Impact in 2013 and it should be known to Impact Wrestling fans. Cherry Bomb and Pepper Parks met and fell in love on the independent music scene, going by the names of Cherry Bomb and Pepper Parks.

Allie & The Blade

Allie & The Blade