Meet Jim Albright
Jim Albright had been the last guard to leave the prison. In March 2018, he was interviewed by ABC 7 to commemorate the 55th year the prison has been closed. He had been employed by Alcatraz when it happened. This was what he had to say about the great escape: “It depends on whether you’re talking to me or you’re talking to their mother. I believe they drowned, I really do.” He believed that the person behind the letter was some sick man in need of treatment who resorted to desperate measures.

Meet Jim Albright
In This Day And Age
To this day, there is no definitive answer about whether John Anglin, Clarence Anglin, and Frank Lee Miller made it out of there alive. Law enforcement never revealed more details about the letter, so it remains a mystery if they looked for the writer. If the escapees are still alive, John Anglin would be 86 years old, Clarence Anglin 87 years old, and Frank Morris 90 years old. Even though they would be old men now, keep in mind that they are wanted fugitives who will be held accountable until they reach 99.

In This Day And Age