How It Started
All four team members had spent time at the Atlanta penitentiary at some point. It was possible that they already knew each other even before they met up at the Rock. The Anglin brothers certainly met Frank Lee Morris in the past. The four members of the team lucked out by having adjoining cells in Alcatraz, which helped make planning easier. Could they pull off something this big?

How It Started
To Their Advantage
In those days, Alcatraz was also a factory on top of being a prison. The sentences handed out to inmates included work. This is the reason they had access to a number of materials back then. Alcatraz inmates made furniture, shoes, and clothes for the US military back then. The team was made up of non-violent offenders, which is considered a rarity in Alcatraz. This gave them the edge of being less suspicious than the others.

To Their Advantage