Take A Look At These Cutest Baby Animals From Around The World

Published on 06/08/2021

Baby Eastern Quoll

Have you ever heard of the Eastern Quoll? The picture you see is a baby eastern quoll and is mostly foound in Tasmania and Australia. For a long time, the Eastern Quoll was feared of being exstingt, but was in 2016 they were found again in Australia. The Eastern Quoll is a very loving and super cute animal!

Baby Eastern Quoll

Baby Eastern Quoll


Baby Pangolin

A Pangolin, can be recognized by its thick grey skin that looks like a shell. The animal that can be found in Africa and Aisa is a mammal that is usualy between 500-200 cm long and mostly lives off little insects like termites and ants. The Pangolins are rather unknown animals, but just look how cute they are!

Baby Pangolin

Baby Pangolin