Baby Reindeers
When you think of reindeers, most of us automatically think of christmas. While we know reindeers froom many christmas movies, most of us never encountered one in real life. The beautiful animal can be found in the mountsind of Siberia, North America, in the Antarctic and the tundra. There are not many reindeers left around the world, and the species is categorised under the category of “functionally extinded” animals. The picture is proof of the beauty of these animals.

Baby Reindeers
Baby Meerkat
Just look at this cute baby meerkat. Meerkats can be found in southern Africa, where they live in groups under rocks. The meerkat lives off by plants and small animals and are very smart and social animals. They are so popular, that they even have their own show on National Geographics. Checking out this picture again, we do understand why everyone loves them so much!

Baby Meerkat