Get A Professional Baby Photographer So You Won’t End Up With Photos Like These

Published on 01/23/2019

I Didn’t Want To Be An Elf This Year!

This was the one year little Charlie wanted to dress up as a reindeer, and not as an elf. Seeing as he’s been an elf every other year since he was born, we completely feel his pain and disdain. After being put in the costume and given a prop, he completely lost it.

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I Didn’t Want To Be An Elf This Year!


Real Dog Vs. Fake Snowman

Your dog surprising you with a kiss is one thing, but a fake, scary snowman getting too close for comfort is another thing entirely. This little boy was not happy about Mr. Snowman’s lack of regard for personal space, and he also hated his ugly cashmere sweater! What can we say, this little one is quite the fashionista.

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Real Dog Vs. Fake Snowman