Get A Professional Baby Photographer So You Won’t End Up With Photos Like These

Published on 01/23/2019

So Close…

After taking 20 minutes to get the kids stacked up on top of each other, their parents thought they were in the clear. Too bad they just fed the baby a mere 30 minutes before. Out came his meal…all over his sister’s back. Hey, at least she seems to think it’s quite funny, and so does her big brother.

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So Close…


At Least Dad And His Oldest Daughter Look Happy

A dad with 4 young kids is a champion himself. Carrying all of them at once with a smile makes him Dad of the Year for sure! Although they all look quite happy in the photo on the left, dad and his oldest daughter are the only ones smiling in the photo on the right.

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At Least Dad And His Oldest Daughter Look Happy