Help! The Lights Are Coiling Themselves Around Me!
If you ask us, we are not big fans of using fairy lights as a prop in photo shoots involving babies and children. For proof, we want you to take a look at these kids. One is about to place Christmas lights into their mouth when they are turned on. Meanwhile, the other one is shooting their parents a look that warns of revenge when they get old enough. To be fair, the photo on the right looks like there was much less preparation involved. Just take a look at the hat that kid was sporting! Come on, parents, we are sure you can do better than that.

Help! The Lights Are Coiling Themselves Around Me!
Who Came Up With Idea Of Putting Babies Inside Fruits And Vegetables?
You were wrong if you thought you have seen the last of babies inside food. Watermelon might be a refreshing summertime treat, but we aren’t crazy about the idea of putting your babies inside of them. The little angel on the right is clearly not thrilled about being tucked into a watermelon rind that looks too small and feels sticky. The baby could likely tell that they would give him a bath after the whole fiasco, yet another thing they were not excited about. Ladies and gentlemen, we think it might be a much better idea to leave fruity photo shoots in the hands of professionals in the future.

Who Came Up With Idea Of Putting Babies Inside Fruits And Vegetables?