WARNING: Keep Glass Balls Away From Children
We all crave the perfect holiday season photo, but make sure that you put your baby’s safety above anything else! This little bundle of joy was dropped in the middle of glass balls. While nothing wrong must have happened, it does not ease our fears about the possibilities. What if they shattered? Aside from that, the parents who took the photo on the right simply did not follow the same angle, lighting, and setting in the left. They should have made the baby look straight at the camera or at least lift their head! Hopefully, the next Christmas photo will be miles better than the fail on the right.

WARNING: Keep Glass Balls Away From Children
It’s Called A Choking Hazard
Here is another photo shoot idea that makes us worry. Those little candies look like a choking hazard AND they must have been uncomfortable to sit on. We have no idea how the photographer on the left managed to get the toddler in a peaceful slumber. We are sure we would be panicking like the kid on the right if we were in their place! It’s practically quicksand-like candy, and who would enjoy this situation? At the very least, the parents deserve some kudos for keeping their kid upright instead of the alternatives. It would have been a bigger disaster if the baby had their face inside the bowl!

It’s Called A Choking Hazard