This Dad Was Caught On Camera Doing This To His Children

Published on 02/23/2021

The Truth Is Out

After interviewing the lady, the police figured out that she had been hidden in Joe’s flat for at least 2 weeks! He uploaded the frightening video on YouTube, where, after the nightmare was done, he instantly went viral. And while many question Joe’s story’s authenticities, it’s not a poor thing to search your storage room regularly: you never know what could be hidden there, as Tracy of South Carolina was about to find out…

The Truth Is Out

The Truth Is Out


Crazier Than Fiction

It was like a true horror movie. Part of her always questioned if she had a really lucid nightmare. There was no other way for her to clarify what was occurring. No, it’s not fantasy. He was there at home, for who knows how long, without any clue. And as all the ramifications of this fact started to evolve for her, she could not help but worry.

Crazier Than Fiction

Crazier Than Fiction