Man Explains Why He Refused To Give A Woman Soldier Her Seat On A Plane

Published on 09/20/2021


Dakota and his coworkers deserved to be recognized, so it was only right that they did. Putting their lives on the line to help the unit despite being outmanned and without support was true heroism at its finest. Dakota and two other Marines from his team were told they would receive the Navy Cross after receiving the Medal of Honor; the second-highest award for valor a marine can receive.


A Presidential Meeting

Dakota was contacted by President Obama’s staff to set up a time for the President to call him and congratulate him on his bravery, as well as to inform him that his case for the Medal of Honor had been accepted. Dakota, on the other hand, had started working in construction at the time, and the Presidential staff had been told to call back later because he was busy at work. Dakota was finally able to schedule a meeting with the President, and his request for a beer with the President was granted.

Dakota is an inspiration, displaying levels of bravery and selflessness that most people can only aspire to. Read on to learn more about another hero veteran.