Most of the biggest companies that we know of originated in the United States. But before businesses like Starbucks, Apple, etc. became the leaders in their own fields, they also started small. The world of business is not as straightforward as you think. One company might have started in the United States but would venture elsewhere and take off from there. You might even be surprised to hear that a lot of famous brands started in America! From IBM to Ben and Jerry’s to Holiday Inn, foreign investors are a big part of the future of these companies. Without them, these companies may not be where they are today.

These Brands May Originate From The United States But Worldwide Domination Is The Reason For Their Success
General Electric
Before growing becoming the multinational conglomerate that it is now, General Electric started as a pretty small brand in 1982. This brand is one of those brands that feel homegrown, thanks to the stamps stating “Made in America” on their products. However, the company is owned by a Chinese company called Haier ever since 2016. Haier purchased GE for $5.4 billion. Despite the products being made in the United States, all of the company decisions are made in China.

General Electric