Dairy Farmers of America Inc
With the name having America on it, it is quite hard to imagine that the Dairy Farmers of America is actually affiliated with China. Though it might seem unthinkable, that just happens to be the case. In 2014, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group teamed up with DFA to make milk powder in a new processing plant and happened around the time when china was not able to produce milk due to a drought in New Zealand, which means that China’s milk supply has been cut off. In an effort to remedy the situation, the Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group partnered with DFA.

Dairy Farmers Of America Inc
Fab.com Inc
Various businesses in the online design industry has a lot of competition. Fab.com Inc is formerly based in New York and has later secured a large investment around a billion dollars from Tencent Holdings. According to Fab, they hope to be able to break through the Asian Market as “It’s a way to enter markets through strategic partners who can help mitigate risk and will increase the likelihood of success,” according to CEO Jason Goldberg. A company later purchased the company in 2015 and has since rebranded into a wellness brand specializing in yoga gear.

Fab.com Inc