Take Note Of These Signs, It May Save A Life

Published on 07/09/2021

Irregular Heartbeat

Some of us knew that the adrenaline rush would cause palpitations. However, if we experienced that the beat of our heart was irregular, then we should have a talk with our doctor about what we felt. Arrhythmia was the medical term for irregular heartbeat, and we should take it seriously. If we let it untreated, we might suffer severe consequences like stroke. We should go to a doctor if we ever had experienced an irregular heartbeat to avoid complications.

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Irregular Heartbeat


Persistent Coughing

Most of us thought that cough was only a common symptom. However, we should be alarmed if we were coughing for a long time since it could be a sign of heart disease. If the heart had a hard time pumping the blood to the body, the blood might go to the lungs, resulting in persistent coughing. We should also observe the color of the sputum when we cough. If it’s pink-white, we should go to the doctor immediately.

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Persistent Coughing