This Is What Your Dog’s Behaviors Really Mean

Published on 02/27/2020

Sniffing Around

Dog noses are a truly remarkable thing, they contain 220 million olfactory receptors in comparison to a human who has 5 million. Meaning dogs smell a thousand times more distinctly than we do. Thus, when your dog is sniffing around they can be observing a few things like assessing danger or following prey. Notice, they stay quiet and focused when doing this. They are able to sniff out a difference between people and other dogs and even smell the difference between identical twins.

Sniffing Around

Sniffing Around


Flipping Up Tongues

These animals are so much brighter than we thought, they do this cute tongue flip as an apology. They stick their tongue out and flip it up to let you know they’re sorry. Of course, it can also be their way of trying to smooth things over with an innocent look. I mean they know we simply cannot resist such face…unless they’ve made a number one on the floor then we are not so forgiving.

Flipping Up Tongues

Flipping Up Tongues