Country Superstar Dolly Parton- 72 And Still Going Strong

Published on 10/21/2018

Barbie Influence

For most of her life, Dolly wanted to achieve Barbie’s level of beauty. This may also be because of her upbringing in a poor environment. She aspired to be a beauty her whole life and such feeling even came out in her song, “Backwards Barbie.” In the song, the lyrics go: “I wanted to be pretty more than anything in the world, like Barbie. From rags to wishes in my dreams, I could have it all. I’m just a backwoods Barbie, too much makeup, too much hair. Don’t be fooled by thinkin’ that the goods are not there.”


Barbie Influence


Body Art

Well, we’ve already mentioned her tattoos earlier. There were actually rumors circulating in the media about how Dolly Parton is covers in tats. They said it was the reason why she always covers her arm. However, Dolly said that “I have a few little tattoos, but they were mostly done to cover scars because I’m so fair.” Do you think the answer is satisfying enough?


Body Art