This Man Thought That His Newly Purchased Home Was Haunted, Yet He Found Something That Left Him In Awe

Published on 11/17/2020

What Was Hidden There

His mind began to churn with thoughts of the sinkhole eating up his car as the hole became deeper. Worse still, what if the whole house falls into the odd void? After working on the hole, he noticed what appeared beneath it like a man-made object. He knew that it was much more sinister than he was imagining. He took his mobile and demanded support.

What Was Hidden There

What Was Hidden There


They Saw An Old Ladder

His father, Gerald, rushed to the site. They began to operate on the hole without any machinery or specialized resources. They cautiously got rid of the broken concrete covering the metal component and uncovered a rectangular void down there. They could see a rusty ladder falling into the gloom! They made them feel really awkward. What was the underground passageway under the driveway doing like this? Where it was headed, they thought. They had just one way in the end, to get the answers to their concerns.

They Saw An Old Ladder

They Saw An Old Ladder