These Filthy Tenants Thought They Got Away With What They Did To This Landlord, They Were Completely Wrong

Published on 03/11/2021

Six Months Of Preparation

It took Mark six months and a friend’s assistance to produce what has to be the most satisfying revenge video for those of you who the Porch Pirates have wronged. Not only are the instruments used suitable for dispersing glitter into any nook, cranny, and crevice, but we get to see it all happen.

Six Months Of Preparation

Six Months Of Preparation


It Went Viral

That’s how good revenge tastes, according to Mark’s video, which was trending at #3. His 10-minute video begins with a lengthy explanation of how he constructed his booby trap, known for its ability to douse thieves in glitter and fart spray. The video is entitled: “Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap.”

It Went Viral

It Went Viral