Hipster Hamilton
Hamilton grew up in the woods until he was rescued. His whole life shifted when he was adopted by Jay Stowe, a tech recruiter. After one month in his new house, Hamilton was unable to stop himself from relieving himself in the toilet. Instagram enabled the universe to open up before the young cat’s eyes. Observe how Hamilton’s face appears to sport a mustache-like design. Stowe mentioned that Hamilton’s good grades spread throughout the school and also found their way into the local newspaper.

Hipster Hamilton
Werewolf Cat
Wild cats that lost their fur due to a genetic mutation gave birth to the Lykoi breed. After seeing how similar they were to werewolves, people began selectively breeding them. Owning a Lykoi would be worthwhile if you could instill fear in the faces of your visitors. The reason for this is that, despite their tough exterior, Lykoi cats are big softies. The friendly but frightening animals, on the other hand, require special attention due to their susceptibility to sunburn and hypothermia.

Werewolf Cat