A Cat On This Cat’s Back
Do you know about Peter Pan and his shadow? It’s possible that this is the true version… in cat shape! This cat has a sign on his back that makes it appear to be from another cat, as you’ll see in the photo. In reality, it appears that his own shadow is taking a break from shady activities to unwind. What made humans the exception to cats’ dislike of socialization with other species? Simply put, we must provide them with food and shelter. That’s why they want to befriend us: they rely on us to survive, as much as cats despise admitting it.

A Cat On This Cat’s Back
Exclamation Point On This Cat’s Butt
This image of a cat with an exclamation point on its butt cheeks has gone viral. We’ll never know how this happened there, but one thing is certain: it’s a cat that people would give almost anything to own. The great majority of cats, contrary to popular belief, are lactose intolerant. As cats, dogs, and even humans get older, their skill to digest lactose (the sugar found in milk) diminishes.

Exclamation Point On This Cat’s Butt