Being Short Is Not A Hindrance To Become A Hollywood Star According To These Actors

Published on 09/25/2020

Martin Freeman – 5 feet 6.5 inches

Martin Freeman’s height was not brought up in the interview, but the Daily Mail told the public that Martin was five feet and six and a half inches tall. The actor had talked about his stature that the bigger would not always be better. The actor’s quote became a meme, yet Martin did get the lead role in The Hobbit. We could see the video on YouTube when he explained that, “There’s no denying. However, I’m in the (expletive) Hobbit.”

Martin Freeman – 5 Feet 6.5 Inches

Martin Freeman – 5 Feet 6.5 Inches


Dustin Hoffman – 5 feet 6 inches

Dustin Hoffman was a five-foot and six-inch tall actor who won an Academy Awards because of his performance. We could see him in the film titled Hook, Rain Man, The graduate, and Midnight Cowboy. Dustin could not believe when he was picked by the director, Mike Nicholas, to be the lead actor in The Graduate. The actor shared, “Nichols chose to give this short, funny-looking Jewish Guy the role usually reserved for a tall, handsome protestant.”

Dustin Hoffman – 5 Feet 6 Inches

Dustin Hoffman – 5 Feet 6 Inches