One More For Good Measure
Whoa, will you look at the setup of this sink here? How crazy is that! It comes with a couple of individual sprouts for some reason. Two faucets would not be all that suspicious because one might be for cold water, the other for hot water. But what about the rest of the gang?

One More For Good Measure
Another curious thing about this photo is that one of the sprouts happen to be gold. It doesn’t make sense that there are shower heads here either. We doubt that they all work, but who knows? At any rate, we do not feel comfortable looking at this picture!
Read This Again
The person who took this photo said that the kids felt sad about the fact that the pool was not available. However, the parents could not help but burst into laughter after seeing what the sign said.

Read This Again
If you cannot understand what we are getting at, we want you to read the sign once more. They probably meant “inconvenience” but said something else! But we do not want to be know-it-alls here. For all we know, that was exactly what management meant to say.