A Multi-Purpose Door
Instead of installing 2 doors, one for the closet, and one for the bathroom, this architect thought “hey, why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone”? Instead of installing a door for each, let’s create a multi-purpose door!

A Multi-Purpose Door
Guests have to choose whether they want the bathroom door closed, or the closet door closed because they definitely can’t have their cake and eat it too. What a strange design if we do say so ourselves.
We Take Your Suggestions Seriously
Instead of using a normal box to serve as the suggestion box, this hotel decided to use a paper shredder instead. They’re sending quite a loud and clear message to customers that their suggestions are not warranted, nor are they taken seriously.

We Take Your Suggestions Seriously
Whoever thought this idea up is quite a clever fella or lady, but we doubt the guests staying there were too amused by the bad joke. The small leftover scraps on the ground make it that much more of a slap in the face.