The Gift My Hotel Had Waiting For Me
Many hotels have rewards programs for loyal guests. With these elite programs come discounts and perks such as free gifts. You can imagine how happy Sally was when she saw this upon entering her hotel room.

The Gift My Hotel Had Waiting For Me
Too bad her excitement ended upon pulling the ribbon off of the gift box. Her “free gift” was nothing more than 2 Hershey candies leftover from last Halloween.
An Inaccessible Room
When a hotel claims they have a quiet reading room, you believe them, right? Imagine arriving, excited to actually get some of your books finished, when you see this inaccessible “reading room”?

An Inaccessible Room
Not only is the decor so last decade, but there’s no way to access the space even if you wanted to! Whose idea was it to lug those heavy chairs up there anyway? We have no words.